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Changes to the Repeat Prescriptions

From Wednesday 12th February 2025 we are asking you to order your medicine directly from the practice, rather than allowing your repeat prescriptions to be ordered on your behalf by your pharmacy. For more information, please read: Changes to repeat prescription requests

Practice management

Jane Winstanley


Practice manager

Our practice manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the practice. She is available to help with any administrative or non-clinical aspects of your health treatment. If you have any suggestions or complaints then please do not hesitate to write to her.


In addition to our reception team we employ a team of administrators and receptionists to assist the practice manager in helping to provide you with the best possible service.


Our team of receptionists is here to assist you in making appointments, requesting home visits and any other enquiry. They have been trained to guide you to the most appropriate member of our team, please help them to help you. They are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors, nurses and all other staff.