Healthcare team

District nurses

District nurses play a crucial role within our primary healthcare team. They visit patients in their own homes or in residential care homes, providing increasingly complex care for them as well as supporting family members.

The practice has a monthly multidisciplinary team meeting with the District nurses and offer clinical support to staff.

Health visitor

Our external health visitors monitor infant development, assessments, care of the under fives and their families as well as providing health education for all ages.

Mental health practitioner

Trained experts from local NHS trusts will offer people with severe mental health problems such as bipolar, psychosis or eating disorders, a consultation, treatment, peer support, or a referral to hospital teams without needing a GP appointment.

Charlotte Curran MH Practitioner

Daniel DeBono

Physiotherapy FCP

Trish Cranston Trainee FCP Physiotherapist

Community midwives

The community midwives care for our patients during the antenatal period and for two to four weeks after the birth of the baby. They can be contacted with the below details: