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Changes to the Repeat Prescriptions

From Wednesday 12th February 2025 we are asking you to order your medicine directly from the practice, rather than allowing your repeat prescriptions to be ordered on your behalf by your pharmacy. For more information, please read: Changes to repeat prescription requests

Surgery clinics

Baby Clinic

These clinics are run on Tuesday mornings and appointment details will be sent in the post in advance. There is a doctor present for child development checks and a practice nurse for the immunisations.

Contraception Clinic

These clinics take place on Friday mornings every 4 to 6 weeks depending on availability.

Smoking Cessation

Most people are aware that cigarettes are a health hazard, both to the smokers themselves and to those around them, particularly children. If you want to stop there is help available through the surgery, so please ask your doctor, practice nurse or HCA for details.

Home – Be Smoke Free – Manchester | Info about stop smoking support

Flu Vaccinations

An influenza vaccination is recommended for all patients over 65, and for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes as well as residents of nursing and rest homes.

Please contact the reception staff in September / October for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend the surgery, a home visit will be arranged for this purpose.

Non-NHS Examinations

The doctors are happy to carry out medicals, e.g. insurance and driving licence, by appointment outside surgery hours. Please contact reception for an appointment and details of the charges for these services.

Patients Over 75 Years

If you are aged 75 years or over, you can be seen annually, on request, either by your doctor, practice nurse, district nurse or health visitor. This can be arranged at the surgery or, if that is not possible, a home visit will be arranged.

NHS England

The contact details for NHS England are as follows:

NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
0300 311 2233 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm excluding English Bank Holidays)

Under the governing arrangements for the NHS, the practice is part of South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group, which in turn comes under NHS Manchester.

If you require information about local health services, or advice on your rights as a patient, then please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0800 015 1462.