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Changes to the Repeat Prescriptions

From Wednesday 12th February 2025 we are asking you to order your medicine directly from the practice, rather than allowing your repeat prescriptions to be ordered on your behalf by your pharmacy. For more information, please read: Changes to repeat prescription requests

Know your body

Screening programmes are an effective way of detecting certain types of cancer early; but knowing when something doesn’t look or feel right for you is also vital.Cancer Reseach UK’s advice is to be aware of anything that is new or unusual for you or that hasn’t gone away for a while (like a cough or a lump).

If you feel uneasy about something you have found, it is vital that you make an appointment with you GP as soon as possible. At Kingsway Medical Practice, our clinicians have the experience and expertise to be able to reassure you or refer you for further investigations.

Useful information

Here are some hints and tips from the NHS on looking out for signs and symptoms of various cancers.