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Changes to the Repeat Prescriptions

From Wednesday 12th February 2025 we are asking you to order your medicine directly from the practice, rather than allowing your repeat prescriptions to be ordered on your behalf by your pharmacy. For more information, please read: Changes to repeat prescription requests

HSC Pathway (Two week wait)

Once you have spoken to your GP about a possible symptom of cancer, they may choose to refer you on the HSC (Health and Social Care) pathway, which is more commonly known as a Two Week Wait.

The Two Week Wait pathway means that following an initial consultation with a GP or an abnormal screening result, patient’s should receive an appointment for further tests within two weeks. Try not to worry, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer, it’s just a way of speeding up the process of ruling it out or getting a diagnosis and beginning treatment.

Further tests may include Scans (X-rays, Ultrasounds, MRI etc), scopes (colonoscopy, endoscopy etc), blood tests or biopsies, where a medical professional will take a tissue sample for analysis.

If you have been placed on the two week wait pathway but have not received an appointment within two weeks, contact us here at the practice as soon as possible.